
Showing posts from November, 2020

Learning Game

     A few months ago, my neighbor gave me a bag full of random letters and random shapes (like the E, R, G, apple, and octopus in this picture).  This bag of random things just sat in Kat's room for months.  I had no idea what I would do with them but I figured I would eventually use them so I kept them.       Well, eventually, I did use them.  I got the bag out and we started to just play with the different shapes and letters.  I would ask Kat, "what letter is this?" while holding up a letter or I would say, "What color is this?" while holding up a blue object.  It was fun for a while but Kat isn't even two yet so all she really wanted to do was run around. So I we put all the shapes out and some of the letters out and we spread them all around our floor.  I would then say, "Run to the letter R" and we would race to it.  Then I would say, "Run to the apple" and we would race each other there.  I would also say thing...

Playdough Volcano

  Kat and I just made the easiest playdough we've ever made!  We have made the playdough that uses mostly flour and we have made the playdough that uses mostly salt and I think we have made a couple others but I don't remember what they used.  Anyways, this one only uses conditioner and baking soda.  I love activities that I can do with Kat without having to go buy something from the store.  We just mixed about a tablespoon of conditioner and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.  However, my daughter was helping scoop, poor, and mix so the amount that actually made it into the bowl and stayed in the bowl is probably different than that.  Basically, you can just mix the 2 together slowly until you get what you want.  We ended up with a "moon sand" like feel and we made snowmen and just played with it.  When we were done playing with the playdough, we put vinegar in the bowl and created little explosions.  Kat loved that the most!  We also w...

Bean Life Science Museum

      We went to the Bean Life Science Museum.  There was hardly anyone there and it was so nice to get out of the house. We were also all happy to see animals.  Kat loves animals SOOO much!  Her favorites were the bears (they had the bears displayed in a really tall tree which was impressive), the birds (Kat loves seeing ducks outside so I think that why she liked seeing them in the museum and she liked the pink bird a lot - the flamingo), and the elephant (probably because it was absolutely huge).       The displays that she really didn't like were all the lion displays.  She loves cats and she liked the tigers and snow leapers just not the lions.  I'm guessing she didn't like the lions for two reasons.  First, when we show her pictures of lions we always say "ROAR" and make a scary face.  Second, one of the lion displays was of the lion eating an antelope and it moved.  It was the only display that moved so I can u...


       Instead of going trick-or-treating this year, we went to a Halloween "party".  I'm scared of using the word party because those are pretty much off limits due to Covid.  It was more of a family gathering and it only had 7 adults so I think it was fine.  Anyways, Kat had a blast!  We made all the kids go outside while we hid candy around the house and when they came inside they ran around the house looking for candy.  All the kids ended up with a TON of candy!  It was also so cute to see Kat's older cousins helping her get candy that she couldn't reach or didn't see.  Her cousins could have just grabbed it and put it in their buckets but instead they helped Kat (the youngest of the bunch).  The "party" also had a piñata that looked like a mummy, pin the face on the pumpkin, relay race with balancing an "eye ball" on a spoon, popping orange pumpkins (balloons) with candy in them, and a lot more games.  My sister hoste...

Our 1st Vancation

  We finally got everything working! When we first got the van the previous owner (let’s call him Louis) told us that the bed works and that the van could get him from point A to point B. That’s all Louis knew.     He didn’t know if the sink, toilet, shower, refrigerator, or A/C worked. We ended up ripping out the ugly carpet and pulling down the curtains. We laid down our own floors and sewed our own curtains. We insulated the van so we could stay warm and we made sure that everything worked. Finally after all that work we were ready for our first real vancation.   We decided to go to Escalante, Utah to hike and repel. We went with family and caravanned there (my family usually caravans just in case anything happens to one of the vehicles). We also like getting out together and playing at parks and eating lunch together. We did go to a park together this trip and it was fun until Josiah hurt his shoulder really bad, we aren’t sure if it is a broken or sprained but e...

Mechanics and Curtains

 Mechanic: Josiah and I were driving home, Josiah in the van and I in our car. I was following Josiah and there was one car in between us. We stopped at a stop light and were waiting for the light to turn green. When the light turned green, Josiah didn’t go and the car in front of me but behind Josiah started honking and I started worrying. It seemed like the van wouldn’t go and everyone was going to be angry at us. However, Josiah jumped out of the van and then the “angry” guy behind him helped Josiah push the van. Not only did the guy help Josiah push the van but like 4 other guys jumped out of nowhere to help Josiah push! It was crazy that so many people were helping and that they didn’t even stop to think if they wanted to help they just jumped right out of their cars and some even ran across the busy street and helped push. It made me feel really good and made me even more excited to see more of this beautiful world with beautiful people. Thankfully, we let the van rest overni...


 We have been inspecting our van and realizing how much work we need to put into it. It’s been stressing me out big time! I will try to focus on one thing that needs to get done but then another thing pops into my head and I think I should work on that instead. This anxiety is making me get nothing done because I keep going back and forth on what I should do. So, I came up with something silly that has actually been seriously helping my anxiety over this van and I think I will start using this trick for all aspects of my life.  I came up with CALF for September and PBS KIDS for October. CALF stand for curtains, auto-mechanics, laminate (floor we walk on), and floor (flooring under the floor). Now whenever I am working on the curtains I don’t have to keep thinking about all the other things I should be working on because I know I’ll get to them and won’t forget them because they are just part of the word CALF and CALF is really easy to remember.  PBS KIDS is for October an...

Buying a van!

    Have you ever wanted to do something but knew that you probably never would actually do it?    Maybe for you, it is going bungee jumping or maybe it is swimming with dolphins.    Well for me it is traveling, or I guess I should say “was” traveling.    I no longer can say I will probably never do it because we have already bought the van!          So a little back story, my husband and I had been talking about traveling but we weren’t sure if we wanted to just go in our Prius and sleep in a tent, buy an RV, buy a truck with a tent on the top or buy a van.    We honestly still hadn’t decided what we wanted when we saw a van for sale in our town.    We decided to check it out just to see if the van life was even an option and we ended up all falling in love with that van.             Our daughter probably loved it the most and that was a big deal f...