Buying a van!
Have you ever wanted to do something but knew that you probably never would actually do it? Maybe for you, it is going bungee jumping or maybe it is swimming with dolphins. Well for me it is traveling, or I guess I should say “was” traveling. I no longer can say I will probably never do it because we have already bought the van!
So a little back story, my husband and I had been talking about traveling but we weren’t sure if we wanted to just go in our Prius and sleep in a tent, buy an RV, buy a truck with a tent on the top or buy a van. We honestly still hadn’t decided what we wanted when we saw a van for sale in our town. We decided to check it out just to see if the van life was even an option and we ended up all falling in love with that van.
Our daughter probably loved it the most and that was a big deal for me. When we move into the van, I need to know that she will be happy, and seeing her eyes light up when we went into the van gave me the reassurance that I needed. We have had the van for a few weeks now and when we go outside, she still runs straight to the van, it is absolutely adorable.
When we bought the van, we were not sure what worked or what didn’t. We didn’t know how good the engine was, if the electricity worked, or if the water would run. we honestly didn’t know too much about it. However, we are young and impulsive, so we just bought it! So far, we don’t have any regrets. We will see how much blood, sweat, and tears (and cash) we will need to fork out on this thing. I feel bad for calling our van “thing” so if you have any recommendations on what to name it, please drop a comment below.
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