Painting The True Meaning of Christmas

     Kat and I painted on a wooden temple and a wooden snowman.  Kat used pretty much every color of paint that we had.  She kept asking for more and more paint so I was expecting her temple to be an ugly brown color, however, it actually turned out pretty nice and green.

     While Kat painted her temple all the colors of the rainbow (I guess the green was the strongest), I painted a snowman.  I think the snowman turned out pretty cute and pretty fitting for Christmas time.  However, after thinking about Christmas, I think the temple has more to do with Christmas than a snowman ever will.  I kept the snowman how it is but I added baby Jesus to the back of him and I think that will be the side that I will put on display.  I'm not the best painter in the world but I like how baby Jesus turned out.



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