Christmas Crafts
Here are two Christmas crafts that Kat and I made. One is a terrifying snowman and the other is an advent calendar.
We made this creepy snowman with cotton balls and a permanent marker. If I was to make this again, I would definitely use googly eyes or tiny cut out pieces of paper instead of the permanent marker. I would also find some small twigs to use as the arms.
When we were making this snowman, we also made snowflakes to go along with it. We used Q-tips to make the snowflakes and I don't have any pictures of those but they turned out really cute.

We made this creepy snowman with cotton balls and a permanent marker. If I was to make this again, I would definitely use googly eyes or tiny cut out pieces of paper instead of the permanent marker. I would also find some small twigs to use as the arms.
When we were making this snowman, we also made snowflakes to go along with it. We used Q-tips to make the snowflakes and I don't have any pictures of those but they turned out really cute.
This is the advent calendar. We just took two pieces of paper, one with a picture of baby Jesus and one that was cut out into 25 pieces and taped them together. We try to take one puzzle piece off everyday, but Kat likes to take off the puzzle pieces so sometimes she takes off a bunch at a time, but that's alright.

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